sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

good stuff

Hoy 9 de agosto
Sam Fogarino

my fav drummer
cumple 40 años

y porque ame esta sesión para la NME

y porque no paré de reir cuando leí esto...

NME: Have you ever had any bad experiences on stage?
Nathan: Caleb got hit in the face by a beer like on the first song, of like our show from two nights ago.
Jared: I got hit in the head by a Reebok once *Nathan laughing* in England. And it was wet and dirty and it hit me right in the head and I was so mad and I like got in the mic and was like "I'm gonna find the person with one shoe and I want you to meet me in the parking lot *Nathan still laughing* And then after the show there's like a 13yr old walked up with one shoe on and said "I'm so sorry mate, I was in the pit and lost me shoe and they took it from me."
Nathan: He said if it makes you feel any better I broke every toe on that foot. And he went limping off with his wet Reebok.
Nathan: So if you're out there, wet Reebok boy..we wanna update on that uhh foot.
Jared: *laughing* Reebok boy..

1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ai mi dios ♥ no pusiste la de los brazos de nathan, pero las manos dios, lo que son sus manos... hahahaha me parte de la risa shared, es que lo leo y lo imagino hablando y contando eso y al final riendose con la risa gay que adoro ahhaahahah love theeeeeem.

Y feliz cumple a sam woohoo